With the temperatures dropping overnight and the potential for a freeze in the coming weeks, now is an important time to get your home ready for winter. If you haven't yet had your sprinkler system blown out, this video offers guidance to protect your pipes in the event of a freeze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cda6oBhIos
Be sure to schedule a professional sprinkler blow out as soon as possible. Here are a couple of companies that I can recommend:
Royal Arch Sprinklers (blowouts and repairs) 303-513-1558.
Organo Lawn 303-499-2000.
Also, put these other essentials on your Fall to-do list:
Have your gutters cleaned.
Get your furnace serviced.
Disconnect hoses and turn off outdoor water (if hose bibs are not frost-free).
Seal cracks around doors and windows.
Replace smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries.
Have your chimney cleaned and check that the damper is working.
If you need a referral for any of these items, email me or call me anytime on my cell at (303) 931-6979. Enjoy this beautiful Fall weather while it lasts!
Best, Rich